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Aquarelle lip blush - natural semi permanent makeup

Are you looking to restore a fading lip line, need help with asymmetry, add a little volume and fullness or feel like brightening up your look? Then, we have the answer; here is all you need to know about our aquarelle lip procedure.

Lip micropigmentation, semi-permanent makeup
Aquarelle lip blush

Lip micropigmentation

A lip blush tattoo, aquarelle lips or lip micropigmentation are terms used to describe a tattoo that fills in your entire lip. This is achieved by gently applying your chosen pigment colour to the lips using a cosmetic tattoo machine and a nanoneedle. The final healed result will appear like a subtle flush of colour on the lips and won't sweat off in the heat or when doing exercise. And say goodbye to smudgy or bleeding lipstick.

Before the procedure

We strongly advise clients to attend a consultation before booking the full treatment.

  • The stimulation from the needle during the procedure can bring out cold sores, which will make the healing process more difficult and possibly result in pigment loss. This can happen to anyone, even clients who have never suffered from a cold sore. It is not a sign of incorrect technique or inadequate safety protocols. We highly recommend preventive antiviral medication 3/4 days before the treatment, on the day and 3/4 days after the treatment.

  • For best results, 5 days prior for a couple of evenings, gently exfoliate your lips with a lip scrub or your toothbrush for 1-3 minutes and moisturise. Then, wear a lip balm daily.

  • Drinking alcohol or caffeine the night before the procedure is prohibited.

  • Avoid taking ibuprofen or aspirin beforehand and supplements like fish oil, garlic, ginkgo, and vitamin E — as they can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising.

The procedure

First, we discuss colour, and then we start by drawing the shape of your "new" lips so that you can assess them and make any changes. Once you are happy with the shape, we apply a topical anaesthetic to pre-numb the lips for about 20 minutes. The procedure takes about an hour and a half to two hours, depending on the look you're going for.

After the procedure

  • The skin may be irritated with a little swelling, redness, or even bruising after the treatment, don't forget it's a tattoo! The irritation will usually calm down and disappear within hours, but it can also take a few days.

  • Lips may appear flaky for up to a week following the procedure.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 10 days after.

  • Avoid activities that will cause heavy sweating for 5 days.

  • As your lips heal, they may look darker for a few days; this is normal and will wear off.

  • No application of any lip makeup for a week.

Expect to see full results from aquarelle lips in about a month.

How long does it last?

Aquarelle lips or lip blush technique lasts between two to three years and will gradually fade over time. We recommend a yearly touch-up session to maintain the lip shade you desire. Brighter, bolder colours tend to last longer than a shade that's close to the colour of your natural lips. Remember that sun exposure, frequent lip exfoliation, and smoking can make the pigment fade quicker.

Does it hurt?

The lips are one of the sensitive areas and therefore can be uncomfortable for some. We use both a pre-procedure anaesthetic and a broken skin anaesthetic to help minimise pain and discomfort. People with a lower pain tolerance might feel more discomfort while others less so.

You can still wear lipstick

Yes, you can still wear lipstick on top of your lip blush! You won't be stuck with only one possible lip colour for months or years on end. You can wear any lipstick or gloss once your lips are fully healed.

Why choose The Natural Beauty Lab?

We have a wide variety of high-quality vegan pigments to choose from, and we can also create custom colours for a more bespoke look. So if you are not quite sure what tone you want, don't worry. Whether you're looking for a subtle finish or a bolder look, we can advise you on how to achieve your desired result. Visit us at our studio in Estepona for a consultation, next to the Cancelada exit with easy parking.

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